Friday, July 10, 2009


Ok fellow bloggers....I need your fashion advice!!
I have a wedding coming up that I am super excited about. It is a good friend of Logan's and we thought he would NEVER get married...although we were praying he would :) He has now found an amazing women and are getting married the 6th of September! So....I have to find the perfect dress/shoes!
That is where you guys come in!! I would appreciate any advise...whether its a fav store or somewhere you have recently been and saw some cute things....or you can always actually pick it out and show me pics :)
Just leave me a comment with the link or name of store!
I think that with my searching and yalls....Ill find the perfect outfit!
~Oh and nothing over $250 please :)

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July 09'

This year the family all went up to Proctor, TX where my Nana (dad's mom) lives. She has a house right on the lake and it is just beautiful! Everyone on my dad's side was there...well almost everyone...only missing like 10 which is nothing...big family :) We hung out on the lake all day Sat. Gracie girl rode the wave runner with Aunt Brynea. She also helped Paps (my dad) drive the boat! Coopman enjoyed playing in the sand as well as eating some of it! :) That night we watched the firework show put on by my dad and uncles. It was amazing...about a 500 dollar show! They go all out! That's how the Parker's you know where I get it :) hehe! Happy 4th of July everyone! Praise God for our Country and freedom!!

Soo here are the pics...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

4th of July Parade

Today Coopman had his first 4h of July parade!!

Coop was not at school on Tuesday, so I had no idea that there was going to be a parade! When I took him to school this morning he was dressed in an orange shirt and plaid shorts and everyone else in his class, as well as the whole school, had on red, white, and blue. I just could not let my sweet lil guy not be apart of the festivities!! I am all about themes!! So, I went back home and got Coop a red, white, and blue outfit :) All his teachers thought I was crazy....they just don't know me :) HA!

So here are a few pics of my handsome Coopman enjoying the parade while eating....a red, white, and blue bomb pop....CLASSIC!